Please fill out the form below and you will be registered for the events you select. Select as many events as you want. You can register for every event for the whole year if you want!

Please enter your name: (example: John Doe)

Please enter your email address: (example:
Please make sure your email address is correct so we can respond to you.

Health form: please bring a filled out copy of this form to all weekend events

Please select the what events you would like to register for:

Big 3 Weekend
Ordeal Candidate
Brotherhood Candidate
Brotherhood Candidate Saturday only
I will attend the Vigil Breakfast. This is only for Vigil Honor members.

Brookie Brotherhood Weekend
Brotherhood Candidate
Brotherhood Candidate Saturday only


Lodge banquet
I will attend the banquet
I will bring this many people including myself:
I will bring this food:

Lodge Leadership Development (LLD) weekend (this is a free weekend!)
I will attend the LLD weekend

Spring Ordeal
Ordeal Candidate
Brotherhood Candidate
Brotherhood Candidate Saturday only

Winter Fellowship
Brotherhood Candidate
Brotherhood Candidate Saturday only

Please type any comments in the box below.

Click the Submit button to submit your question or Reset button to reset the form. You must enter the two words in the picture into the yellow box! If you can't figure out the words click on the top icon to the right of the yellow box to get new words.